Phillip Thomas - Just walk away. Say nothing. Move to a new area of town or to another city and just disappear. Eventually, they will all forget you ever existed and will move on.
The "truth" is that none of the Witnesses really give a damn about you. After you have disappeared for a few months they will forget about you and they will forget your name. If they do cross your path at a store or other venue and say something to you, just speak to them as you would a neighbor or casual acquaintance. Acknowledge them, wish them well, say good-bye, and then move on and do your business. Don't engage them in a long conversation or any kind of debate.
The reality is that you will be better off and feel relief within just a few months. Visting here and watching ex-JW videos on YouTube will bolster your confidence. Just think of your time as a JW as an event like having a disease when you were a kid. You missed some school for a few days or a couple of weeks...Your friends and other classmates avoid you for a few days because you've been ill and maybe have "cooties." Then they just ignore you and eventually you just become another person they pass in the hallways. You are nothing to them - and they are nothing to you.
I found it interesting that a few years later when I did cross paths with old JW friends they were often friendly at first and ask about me and my family. Conversations were as they would be with any other past friend or acquaintance. If they ask you what Kingdom Hall you go to, just say "I don't go any longer. It was nice running into you - but I need to move along. Hopefully, we can chat again someday." They will actually appreciate that you did that because that does not force them to challenge you - because they really do not know your actual status. Maybe you were just in a hurry.
On the other hand, some ex-JWs take the opportunity to explain ("give a witness") to someone who they come across. They will often say something about their leaving and let their old friends know that they "finally came to realize that the Watchtower was not what it claimed to be - and "the Truth" is not really "the truth." And then just move on down the road. You might plant a seed in their damaged brains that could lead to them reappraising their own situation later on.